[Website ] Some kind of "List" feature for actually useful PD3 Mods

Truth be told, the current state of the PD3 modding scene here is a mess.

For every well-made, useful and actually good mod you find, it will be buried beneath 50 other absoloutely worthless reskins or retextures, all with very little effort put in. Compare PD3's mod page with PD2's. Pretty different, right?

However, I don't want to take credit away from those modders, they're still mods after all. And I don't think that there should be a required "effort filter" to upload any mod, but at the same time some mods should definetly get a brighter spotlight and chance to stand out amongst the sea of, basically trash.

If you don't know, Geometry Dash 2.2 is introducing a "list" feature, letting you make compilations of levels (or for this case, mods) that you want to group together. For ModWorkshop, This would be very useful to make a nice compiled list of "must-have" mods that make PD3 actually feel better to play, and mitigate the need to watch endless youtube video top 10 videos or a lifetime's worth of scrolling.


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