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Any modders willing to implement some sounds I've made?

Hello! Ill get straight to the point. I'm a voice actor and sound designer and It's been an interest of mine to finally do a Payday 3 mod where I make a sequel to my Payday The Heist mod called Modern Heat. I wanna give all the weapons in the game a Hollywood aesthetic and make them loud and proud. As well as do some custom voices as well. Problem is though. I suck at modding! So if you're a modder that knows how to do audio and wanna help me out here's what to expect.

You wont be doing any sound design or polish work. I'll be the one creating all the assets and mixing them. The only thing you'll be doing is putting them in game and making sure it works. The first phase of the mod will be fire sounds for all the weapons and then we'll go from there. If you're interested in this you can contact me at my discord which is "splashlemon" Oh and just a heads up this will be purely volunteer stuff. Nothing being paid and so if that turns you off I understand. That's all!


Hello, I love the concept you have of the game, a few months ago I downloaded your sound mod for PDTH and I have to tell you that it is spectacular, I love it, I hope you find someone capable who can help you, unfortunately I don't know how to mod, I hope to see one day your version of the modern heat mod for Payday 3


Thankz dude <3


Locked because I got a guy. It's me. I figured it out. =]

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