Eightan@eightan / ID 17040
Registration Date January 30, 2016
Last Visit 4 days ago
Mods 20
Modder Programmer

All my mods are kept up to date with the game unless tagged with outdated or discontinued

Anyone is allowed to make remakes and re-uploads of mods submitted by me. I would prefer a dialog before to reduce the amount of double versions floating around. If I consider the remake much better than my own version then I will stop the updates of my own version and simply link my mod page to the new remake. If the remake isn't taken care of later on I might start pushing new updates for the remade version if I believe i can improve it in some way.

I may also use others work and give it my own touch. I won't reuse mods and code where the author has clearly stated that they don't allow others to use their work.

If I have used code made by you and you want proper credit or for me to remove code from my mod I can be contacted here. I believe modding should be shared but if you don't agree with my view I won't argue either.

I'm completely self taught in LUA and even if limited, payday code is all i really know. I take a lot of inspiration from others work and often use code made by others to learn ways to handle things.

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